Legal Notice

Provider of the website at

CornerstoneCapital Verwaltungs AG

Address of provider’s branch office:

Headquarters and contact address:

Geschäftsstelle Frankfurt
Westendstraße 41
60325 Frankfurt/Main

Seat of the company:
Ziegelhäuser Landstraße 1
69120 Heidelberg

Sitz der Gesellschaft:
Ziegelhäuser Landstraße 1
69120 Heidelberg

Represented by the member ofd the bord:
Pieter van Halem

Contact details:
Tel.: +49 6221 64924-86
Fax: +49 6221 64924-24
E-Mail: equity(a)

Commercial register entry:
Registered in the commercial register of the local court of Mannheim under register number HRB 702 796.

VAT identification number:
DE 256157102

Responsible for the content (§ 55 RStV):
Pieter van Halem
CornerstoneCapital Verwaltungs AG
Westendstr. 41
60325 Frankfurt

This website contains data and information of any kind, which may be protected for the provider or, in certain cases, for third parties in particular under trademark and copyright law. It is therefore prohibited to download, copy and/or distribute the website in whole or in part. It is permitted to copy the website as far as technically required for the intended use, i.e. browsing of the website, provided such act does not serve commercial purposes. Permanent reproductions for private use are also permitted. It is permitted to set a link on this website to the extent such link serves only as a cross reference. The provider reserves the right to revoke the permission. Framing of this website is prohibited.